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[Teasing Trailers] - #1 The Hunger Games

Teasing Trailers are a random events, hosted here, that highlights a new/post released book trailer of great reads or books that we're dying to get our hands on...

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The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I'll start this off with one of my favorite series, and what NOT to do with a book trailer if there is going to be one. There is more praise about the book, from people not even mentioned, then there is background or information about who the characters, the plot, okay a good portion of the book is left out.

The Hunger Games has been out for a while, since Sept. 14, 2008 so I'm not sure if this is the original trailer for the book. In fact, I hope it's not. This trailer is horrid, I don't know why the company even released it. If I was Suzanne Collins and this was done for my book, I would fire the person immediately and go look elsewhere. This is complete garbage.

I don't know what else to say. There is a lack of character information, some information about the plot, and what the general idea of the book is, but other than that there just isn't a lot here to get people hooked and want to read the book. I know in book world, trailers aren't the first place readers turn to see if they are interested, but this is just a waste of time and money.

I am definately going to have to do another one, just to show that all tailers for books aren't that bad. I mean most of the actors are rather horrible, but c'mon the overall budget for these is rather lacking so I can't hold that against them really now. Anyways, this was just so bad that another one needs to be done to give some hope to this segment already.

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