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[Special] - 5 Reasons to Read Signing

     Well I just got back from vacation, and the start of the vacation began with 5 Reasons to Read book signing at Anderson's Bookshop in Naperville, IL. At the signing was Erika O'Rourke, Veronica Roth, Dan Krokos, Leigh Bardugo, and Susan Dennard.

5 Reasons to Read - Swag:

     There lot started with a lot of swag, I appreciate all of the bookmarks and the lot. The bookmarks especially will come in handy, but I am afraid to use it. I will be honest, I love the authors, the characters, the insight into the story that even thinking of actually using the stuff makes it rather hard to comprehend and even do. They will probably sit on my shelf and eventually maybe if I could somehow do something with the lot and show it off and just what stories, authors, and characters I enjoy.


     There is a series of Divergent Tattoos and Something Strange and Deadly cards and some Dark Grey fingernail polish. I know, I am a guy and I have fingernail polish, Why? Well frankly it's the story. A lot of Alina Starkov and how her character I could see wearing this just brings the idea and the neatness of the swag home. I know, I know; it's just swag. Well to me, it's about the characters, seeing the authors take on them and what they were invisioning when they wrote the story.

     The cards actually help bring life to the characters, how Susan Dennard thought of when the characters came to life. As well, some of their personality comes to life, the types of clothing they may enjoy, stuff like that, which normally I wouldn't get as much of from just reading a book. Then, the temporary tattoos of three of the divisions of Veronica Roth's Divergent and Insurgent series. I always had an idea of what the images would look like and following Veronica Roth nearly everywhere, these just added to the nostalgia.

     The three bookmarks will come in handy, but I doubt I will ever use them simply because of what they mean and the attachment I have to them. As well, I wish there was a Insurgent bookmark but I'm not going to complain, the books are amazing, and I can't wait to dive into them.

     This is by far the best part of the swag. It's a book that has bonus material from the authors. From Erika O'Rourke there is "Before & After" which is two secret scenes from the trilogy. From Veronica Roth there is the alternate beginning to Insurgent. From Dan Krokos there is the first few pages of his next book, False Sight. From Leigh Bardugo there is a poster, and a must-read folktale. And Finally there is Susan Dennard which gives us an important scene from an alternate point-of-view. I am so stocked to get this and get around to it!

     This is the group, and they all were having a good time. I was really impressed by how they all got along together. I never would have thought that authors, no matter how different or similar their books were, would get along as well as these five. I hope that if any other future or any other author has friends and a group like these five. As well, there was something about how they go so well together, feed off each other, and the raw energy that just brought the whole experience home.

     The interview was rather interesting, I have been away for a while and I can't remember all the questions they were asked. One was about if they're book was going to be a movie, who would they cast for actors for their characters. Some had a few ideas on who they would use, but as well I can't remember it was rather hilarious to know that Dan Krokos was more interested in guys and how sexy they were but to be reassured he, himself was interested in girls. Where they were when they first conceptualized the story. I enjoyed the experience and the time.

     The signing was fantastic. Getting that face to face talk and brief moment with the authors was everything I hoped for. It was a great experience, there was just something inspiring about all the authors and maybe I'll actually get around to finishing my book. We'll see though. I was truly happy to be part of this experience, and to get to know and see all the authors.
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