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[Stacking the Shelves] - #17

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your bookshelf, be it the physical one or your digital one!

      I have been away for a while. I have to say the Christmas events kept me busy, and I have started a new job. I'm trying to get back in the swing of things, and getting things in order. I want to thank everyone out there for keeping around, and if you managed to find my site, I want to thank you and hope you enjoy what's around.

Here is another five books, and yet more headway. I love how everyone has been a great support and the views that I get on the weekend. I understand as well, that sometimes I forget to make a post, like last Friday, but I try to make up the post at a later date. Anyways, I bring a start of a series and hope you get an idea of books to read and maybe pick up a few that I am looking at, and that are on my shelf as well. So without further discussion...

Eve & Adam
A Beautiful Dark
A Fractured Light
The Lost Prince
The Paladin Prophecy

Mailbox Pickup:

   Format: Hardback
   Release Date: August 16th, 2012

     And girl created boy…

     In the beginning, there was an apple—

     And then there was a car crash, a horrible injury, and a hospital. But before Evening Spiker’s head clears a strange boy named Solo is rushing her to her mother’s research facility. There, under the best care available, Eve is left alone to heal.

     Just when Eve thinks she will die—not from her injuries, but from boredom—her mother gives her a special project: Create the perfect boy.

     Using an amazingly detailed simulation, Eve starts building a boy from the ground up. Eve is creating Adam. And he will be just perfect... won’t he?

      Eve and Adam is one of those books that the authors are the creators of one of my favorite books when I was growing up, the Animorphs series. I still have one book left from that series, and through time I got rid of the series, but I wish I hadn't. Anyways, I don't believe this is a nostalgia pick-up, but the story has a unique feel to it. What if you could create someone, wouldn't you make them perfect? But to be honest, the problem is, who would it be perfect for? Everyone views perfection in a different way, so what exactly is perfect?

      I don't understand the purpose though for creating this person or boy? Is it going to be made or is it a way for Evening to cope with the trauma she went through and hoping she'll pull through? Or could it be part of a romance that I just don't see yet. But other than that the book was a fairly good find and I can't wait to open the cover and get started on finding out the purpose of Adam.

   Author: Jocelyn Davies
   Format: Hardback
   Release Date: October 30th, 2012

     On the night of Skye's seventeenth birthday, she meets two enigmatic strangers. Complete opposites--like fire and ice--Asher is dark and wild, while Devin is fair and aloof. Their sudden appearance sends Skye's life into a tailspin. She has no idea what they want, or why they seem to follow her every move--only that their presence coincides with a flurry of strange events. Soon she begins to doubt not just the identity of the two boys, but also the truth about her own past.

     In the dead of a bitingly cold Colorado winter, Skye finds herself coming to terms with the impossible secret that threatens to shatter her world. Torn between Asher, who she can't help falling for, and Devin, who she can't stay away from, the consequences of Skye's choice will reach further than the three of them could ever imagine.

     A Beautiful Dark is the first book in a captivating trilogy by debut author Jocelyn Davies.

     This book, I got when I was in the middle of the Fallen series and it sounded like a better version of the whole angel or love story that I was looking for in that series. Skye is a girl who I can only imagine would be an average girl, and when two boys appear to be stalking her she seems to question them. Now I can buy that she would question the two boys, they're stalking for one; however, what I don't seem to buy into is why she questions her own past. Think of it this way, when you fall in love with someone I'm sure you don't look back on your life and question who you were back then. It just sounds absurd.

      And I have to point this out, why is it that Paranormal books feel they have to include the disastrous three way romance. I hate the idea of a third wheel and the while that goes on I tend to ignore one of the characters. I just hate how books like this make it feel like there a better person than another, and the choice between one character versus another is harder done for me. I don't view it the way everyone does, I don't view people as better than another, but how the connections between people fit together.

   Author: Jocelyn Davies
   Format: Hardback
   Release Date: September 20th, 2012

     When she wakes up in unfamiliar surroundings, Skye knows something terrible has happened to her. It's not until she hears Asher, the dark, rebellious angel she fell in love with, that the memories come flooding back. She tries to put the past behind her, but she knows she'll be forever haunted by the ruthless betrayal that almost took her life.

     Skye returns home, but with the knowledge of who she really is, nothing can ever be the same. As she tests the limits of her newfound powers, Skye discovers that she's capable of far more than anyone could have imagined. Both the Order and the Rebellion want her for their side as war between the factions looms. She can't forget the terrifying truth she now knows about the Order, but something holds her back from embracing the Rebellion.

     A Fractured Light picks up right after A Beautiful Dark's shocking cliffhanger ending and is perfect for fans of Lauren Kate's Fallen and Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush saga.

     A Fractured Light is the sequel to the previous book, and I left the synopsis alone. I wanted to read the first book before I got into this one. I'm sure there are viewers out there who are wondering why I picked up this sequel without reading the first book. The answer is simple, I am a completionist, I like to finish something I start, and while I know I haven't started it yet, it's on my shelf and I can't help but feel that I will get around to it. As well, if I made it through Fallen, I am positive I will get through this, no matter how much I hate three ring circuses.

   Author: Julie Kagawa
   Format: Hardback
   Release Date: September 18th, 2012

     Don’t look at Them. Never let Them know you can see Them.

     That is Ethan Chase’s unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs—including his reputation—begin to disappear, and Ethan is attacked. Now he must change the rules to protect his family. To save a girl he never thought he’d dare to fall for.

     Ethan thought he had protected himself from his older sister’s world—the land of Faery. His previous time in the Iron Realm left him with nothing but fear and disgust for the world Meghan Chase has made her home, a land of myth and talking cats, of magic and seductive enemies. But when destiny comes for Ethan, there is no escape from a danger long, long forgotten.

     Julie Kagawa has another series, The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten. I know that i'ts a sub-series to the Iron Fey series. I don't quite understand where this fit into the whole scheme of the Iron Fey series, but the general idea is very primitive. The series feeds right off her main series by involving Meghan's sister. However, I get the feeling that Chase never wanted to be involved and hates the fey world.

     I wonder who the girl is that Chase feels he needs to protect from the Fey. From what I have read in other series, normal people don't really stand a hope or any chance of competing against the Fey. Their world of magic and seduction would over power every fey, would consume a normal person in an instant. Now I will admit I have The Iron Fey series, I haven't started it as of yet, so I am not sure exactly what the world would be like for them, but I can't imagine it being good at all.

   Author: Mark Frost
   Format: Hardback
   Release Date: October 2nd, 2012

     Will West is careful to live life under the radar. At his parents' insistence, he's made sure to get mediocre grades and to stay in the middle of the pack on his cross-country team. Then Will slips up, accidentally scoring off the charts on a nationwide exam.

     Now Will is being courted by an exclusive prep school . . . and is being followed by men driving black sedans. When Will suddenly loses his parents, he must flee to the school. There he begins to explore all that he's capable of--physical and mental feats that should be impossible--and learns that his abilities are connected to a struggle between titanic forces that has lasted for millennia.

     Co-creator of the groundbreaking television series Twin Peaks, Mark Frost brings his unique vision to this sophisticated adventure, which combines mystery, heart-pounding action, and the supernatural.

     This book I am not sure on. I wouldn't say that I think it's going to be a bad read or anything. I am just looking at it and trying to understand what the point of the book is. I understand that Will is a sort of supernatural. Whether he is smart or has abilities, that's to be seen, but after slipping up once on an exam people start following him. That's the part I don't understand. What was on that test that makes a government or whatever want to follow him and see what he is capable of.

     As well his parents die and he runs to the school? I'm sure that if someone murdered my parents the last place I would go is a school. Okay I should rephrase that, he loses his parents. When you put it that way, its like saying I lost my car keys; it's not the same thing and seems to downplay the importance of losing a family.  The other thing I don't understand, is there's no potential romance or connection to other people here. He's kept himself isolated, that he is alone with his parents until their deaths. It just doesn't make a lot of sense.
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