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House of Night Marathon - 7 complete!

[Update] - 11/16/2014

     I wanted to thank everyone for the visits and the attention I got over the last few days. I had a rather large amount of visitors. I am not sure where they came from or what exactly happened, but I thank everyone for showing up and visiting. Further I am still working on a few changes from last week, but they'll happen, just not sure when with the holidays and work keeping me busy now. Yea work, we have new computers and it's just touch-and-go at the moment, should work better though.

     Ahead of time I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and a Happy Holidays. I couldn't do what I do now without everyone so Thank You. Further, I will be posting an Amazon and link to my wishlist if anyone of you would like to see what I am wishing for. I strongly suggest letters or just let me know what you're up to, I don't need gifts or anything.  Thanks!
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