As well, I made another change, I got rid of the old original title text and replaced it with a logo/image. If you haven't seen it yet. I created it on the fly and while I enjoy how it's simple and conveys what I am trying to get across. I am going to review anything that can is written, I want to get into some Ellen Hopkins stuff for the fact it's poetry and not a normal story/plot driven. It would hammer that ideal home. But I want to do it on my own terms and not do it because I feel I need to. The site and my reading habits will dictate when I get around to them.
So, now that I am up and running again, I will get around to a The Fault In Our Stars update, and my initial thoughts on the movie. Keep an eye out for it. As well, I hope to go back and review a few other movies that I have seen as well. However, I will go back and try to rewatch them so the review will be more accurate. I would prefer it was the first viewing but what bit late for that.