Good Morning everyone. I wanted to take some time out of doing a few new posts for tomorrow, or more of a catch-up sort of thing. I won't be doing a Teaser Tuesday for two reasons.
First being I am stuck on two books, The Novice and The Gathering Storm, and haven't really finished either of them, I plan to finish both and start something new next week. I just didn't want to do the same book twice or whatever.
The second I have a long list of Book Haul books that I haven't done, I thought about doing a video, but that's not what I want to get into at the moment. It's a long list of books I have bought and received since middle to late February. I broke the list into two sections so there will be a long list of books and a huge two section Book Haul tomorrow.
I hope this is a good difference and replacement from the Teaser Tuesday.